Online Catalog
Our book and DVD collections can be accessed through our online catalog, and registered users may reserve and renew materials online as well. Items can be picked up at Diocesan House or sent to a church or individual by mail. Click here to see what new books have been added to our collection recently.

Sharing the Abundance
From time to time people give books to the Resource Center. We gratefully add some, but often we already own the title and seldom have the space or need for multiple copies. Also, we attempt to keep the latest edition of titles in our collection, so replaced editions will be available. We’d love to share the abundance with others in the diocese for congregational libraries and ministries, or for an individual’s own study or pleasure.

The Resource Center curates small displays, such as the one pictured above, at a variety of diocesan events (such as Diocesan Convention and at various workshops) and material may be checked out there. The librarian is also pleased to visit congregations with book collections to supplement forums, coffee hours, bible study sessions or other events. To see the Resource Center’s touring schedule, please visit the Current Information page.